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Rich Heritage of
Indian storytelling 
Made into Animations!

Current Series

Aurangzeb & Dara Shikoh
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The millennia-old Indian heritage has innumerable stories waiting to be told - some well-known and some obscure.

You can participate in this exploring this treasure, make it into modern artworks, and share with the world!
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Aurangzeb & Dara Shikoh
Two drastically contrasting personalities vied for the Throne to Mughal India
Current Project
The Latest Episodes, Videos, and More
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Mahabharat - Astika Parva
Garuda Story | Short Movie
Menander & Story of 'Milinda Panha'
The Indo-Greek Empire
Samrat Ashok’s Kalinga War
Mauryan Empire
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Our mission is to Explore and share the endless treasure of stories from India

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Our Upcoming Projects

Philosophy Of...

Charvaka, Makkhali Gośāla, Nagarjuna (Buddhism), (Lokayata), Adi Shankara & Many more!
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Aurangzeb & Dara Shikoh

When the History of India stood at a crossroads
Noor Jahan with Aurangzeb and Dara Shukoh.png

Sangam Literature

Literature of India - The earliest Tamil corpus of poetry!
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What Our Audience Has To Say
Our exams are coming and our teacher gave us the link to this video it's a very knowledgeable video I really enjoyed and it really helped us (all my classmates) thank u for making this!
Tiara Roy Chaudhuri
Student, Vadodara (Gujarat)
Powered by Our Audience

It's important to be democratic while presenting information through our works. So we open up to our viewers and like-minded people to participate in the projects!

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