Aurangzeb & Dara Shikoh
About the Project
In the Seventeenth century, when Mughals had control over almost the whole of India, the History of India was at a crossroads.
Two drastically contrasting personalities vied for the Throne to Mughal India - Aurangzeb, an orthodox Islamist with an authoritative yet firm way of ruling, and Dara Shikoh, his elder brother and crown prince, with a more liberal ideology with a more accommodative way of governance which, however, was weak. A series of bloody battles decided who finally ruled over India but also which way the trajectory of the story of the subcontinent would turn. The series deals with a historic period in India and touches on the political, cultural, philosophical, and personal aspects of the characters involved. Although the material being discussed itself is inherently interesting, we have woven it into an engaging storyline that the audience will find easy to grasp, gripping, and also informative.
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History of Aurangzeb Based on Original Sources, Vol. 1 by Jadunath Sircar
History of Aurangzeb Based on Original Sources, Vol. 2 by Jadunath Sircar
Dara Shikoh: The Man Who Would Be King by Avik Chanda
Aurangzeb: The Man and the Myth by Audrey Truschke