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Aurangzeb & Dara Shikoh: When the course of Indian History hit crossroads

Created by 

Glimpses Studio

Aurangzeb & Dara Shikoh:

When the course of Indian History hit crossroads


₹ 18 Lac



₹ 1.24 Lac

Fund We


  • A popular perception of Aurangzeb portrays him as a bigot, orthodox Islamist, whose succession to the Mughal throne pushed the Mughal Empire to its demise soon after him. Even India’s first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru seems to have had such an opinion, as evident from his Book Discovery of India. Even in modern times, Aurangzeb is perceived as someone who damaged the religious harmony, that may have existed in India before him. But how did Aurangzeb's character develop? How did the events in his childhood and youth shape his personality? This series looks at these aspects of his History.


  • On the other hand, Dara Shukoh, an intellectual successor of his great-grandfather, Akbar, remains an obscure and relatively unknown figure. Dara's Brilliant treatise, 'Majm-ul-Bahrain', focuses on the commonalities between some of the concepts found in Hinduism and Islam. He also authored translations of the Upanishads in Persian, which was pivotal in the texts’ acquaintance with later Western scholars. Who was Dara Shukoh? How did a person, born from the same womb as Aurangzeb, turn out so different from him? This series also takes us through the life of Dara Shukoh and addresses these questions.


But Indian History hit a crossroads when these two contrasting personalities were pitted against each other in a war that would decide the future Emperor of India and define its course into the future!

  • Dara Shikoh is a forgotten personality whose works in the Persian language on Sanskrit Philosophical texts were among the first studied by later European scholars. This series aims to introduce him to the audience along with the History of Mughal rule of this period, the customs of contemporary people, and the political dynamics of the time. These aspects, being quite complex, remain poorly understood even today.

  • Modern popular media tends to portray them in a very oversimplified manner. However, this series aims to project them with Historical accuracy and authenticity.

  • Although the scenes and events depicted in this series are true to History, it will not fail to amuse the audience! The History of this period, although inherently interesting, is made captivating with a lucid and engaging script, beautiful graphics, detailed animations, expressive voice acting, and a music score that takes you into the historical era! This series will be a unique experience for every viewer.

  • Although it is impossible to tell the History of over 40 years in a series lasting two-and-a-half hours, we have made sure that this series presents as accurate a picture and tells as genuine a history, as possible. We have taken every care that the artistry employed in making it doesn't taint the actual data.

  • It deals with a historic period in India and touches on the political, cultural, philosophical, and personal aspects of the characters involved.

  • Although the material being discussed itself is inherently interesting, we have woven it into an engaging storyline that the audience will find easy to grasp, gripping, and informative.

  • At Glimpses studio, we have completed a number of similar projects before, including short series on the History of the Mauryan Period and that of the Indo-Greek Empire. These series have been well received by the audience for their unique presentation and study of the related subject. We have also made a feature-length movie on a sub-chapter from Mahabharata, which too has been well received. For ‘Aurangzeb & Dara Shikoh’, however, we are going to multiply our efforts manifold in terms of both research and artistry.


  • We are experienced in making a thorough study of the topic and keeping our storyline sticking strictly to the sources and we do not compromise authenticity for entertainment or sensation.


  • For this Project, we have referred to the four books authored by Historians who have based their writing on Historic sources along with citations provided.


  • Although our videos are strictly informative, they are gluing in their storyline. We are known to make the visuals, sound design, voice acting, and all other artistic aspects impressive. 


  • So you will not be bored by the Historic narrative, rather you would be thrilled by it.

  • This project aims to look in detail at the personalities of the time, since the modern perception of them - chiefly Aurangzeb, Dara Shikoh & Shah Jahan, is quite oversimplified. We will be providing the story of how these personalities evolved, why they took decisions that they took, and what led to the events that ultimately took place.


  • It is said that these events were related to the fall of the Mughal Empire and later the partition of India. If that is true, then this period makes them one of the most important turning points in the Early Modern History of India.


  • This project also captures the cultural, religious, political, and philosophical climate that existed in India, since they directly or indirectly influenced the core turn of events. It’s quite an interesting travel through time that also widens our perspective of the people of that time.


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