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Our Recent Projects

History of Indo- Greeks

History of India S02:
The Post Mauryan Period
Indo Greek Empire Menander Nagasena.png

Mahabharat Astik Parva

Astik Parva Janamejaya's Sarpasatra
Mahabharata Garuda Astik Parva.png

Buddha’s Parable:
The path of Dhamma

Literature of India - from Jataka Tales
Philosophy of Buddha Jataka Tales.png

Lullaby of Madalasa

Literature of India - The earliest Tamil corpus of poetry!
Madalasa Markandeya Purana Philosophy.png
Making Process

The task of making an animation on a selected goes through a number of stages such as:

1. Study and research

2. Script, screenplay & Dialogue writing

3. Character/Background conceptualization

4. Voiceover - artists & Characters

5. Final drawings snippets

6. Making the animations

7. Adding Sound Effects

8. Final Video Editing

2D Animation Process.png
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